About the Author

Michael Thompson cut his teeth on church pews. He grew up in a tight-knit pastor’s home and then spent 24 years of his professional life as a worship leader and senior pastor. However, ministry success was derailed by moral failure that painfully altered the trajectory of his life, family and ministry.

But God was not finished. In extravagant grace, He has restored Michael and Dianne. Their rescued marriage and rebuilt family are a living message of hope and healing for the Body of Christ.

This journey birthed an unquenchable passion: to see life as it is transformed into life as it should be. You feel this fire in his books. He and Dianne have made it their singular pursuit to discover the design, desire and delight of the Father. They share this as Builders--spiritual mothers and fathers of revival--for the Influencers of Bethel Leaders Network. Michael's ministerial credentials are through Bethel Church, Redding, CA.

Recently retired from the last 24 years in a marketplace career that has also given him a unique perspective. Knitting together the distinct realms of church and commerce results in Michael’s rather visceral understanding of Kingdom living.

Michael and Dianne have been married over 45 years. They have three adult children who with their loves have given them a growing brood of grandchildren.

Where there is hope there is a better tomorrow.

Family & Ministry

Nothing matters more than this gaggle of greatness.

A few shots of Michael & Dianne's family and ministry.