Michael W Thompson

Author & Speaker

Writing hopeful endings to life's painful stories.

A place of hope...

Life stories can have painful narratives. But God is always writing new endings to old stories. Michael's books, videos and blogs are narratives of hope. Where the script of foregone conclusions gets flipped by the narrative of grace.

Where there is hope...there is a better tomorrow.

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The Breathless Adventure of Chasing The Heart of God

God is a God of wonders, so that automatically makes us a people of wonder. Wonder is our natural environment just as worship is our native tongue. When we live in wonder--the CSI approach to life in God--we are constantly dusting the difficult places of life for fingerprints...God’s fingerprints.

In a full-circle moment, Michael gives the life-altering message that set him a new path to live the daily with a sense of wonder at the goodness and greatness of God. With the refreshing heart of a child, Michael unpacks the steps toward living with an increasing sense of wonder even in the darker spaces of life. Here is the message that prompted the book, Michael speaking at Bethel Church, Redding, CA. 

The Message

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Birthed in a season of waiting, Wonder is a fuller expression of the message presented at Bethel Redding. Unpacking Psalm 139, Michael gives you four amazing discoveries that reset his perspective and sent him on the journey to live all of life in breathless pursuit of the heart of the Father. God is a God of wonder and that makes us people of wonder. Wonder will release a buoyant hope and brilliant faith even in the rub and reality of life on a broken planet.

The Book

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